And hi again!
This one is going to be a pretty random combination. I will start with my host family, and how life is living with them. My host family is very nice! The older brother left last Tuesday, so he hasn't been here for a while. The mother's name is Lis Mona, or Lismo. She is very nice. She is a social worker who works with children and families on Bornholm. I believe she is the one who was most excited to have me here, because she got to spoil a daughter. Lismo speaks Greenlandic and Danish, but very little English. She is good for my Danish because she has to explain Danish in Danish instead of resorting to English. The entire family is very athletic. She has weeks where she goes "sugar free" which are interesting because she still eats meat every night, and doesn't eat that many fruits or vegetables. My father's name is Claus. Claus is also interesting. He tends to unexpected start speaking English, mostly when I am trying to tell a story or something, and it doesn't really work in Danish. I also have a little brother. He is thirteen. Nikolai reminds me a lot of my little sister. Plays goalie in soccer, looses his glasses a lot and sings in the shower. Yesterday, apparently he decided he was comfortable with me, because he began running around in boxers and a t-shirt. Lismo does my laundry, and currently packs my lunch, but I will be taking that over. Some pictures of them taken from facebook:

The person on the left is the older brother, Sebastien. He is currently in Mexico. Then comes Lismo, Nikolai and Claus. This was the night before Sebastien left, where we went to a town called Dueodde, got ice cream, and walked along the beach. By this time it was too cold to stay for too long, but it was fun anyway!
The Sunday after I arrived we went to the beach closer to our house. It was nice and warm, and I was so tired I fell asleep instead of getting in the water. I also have a dog!!! Her name is lady and she is very sweet.
I need to go to bed, otherwise I would transfer over pictures of the house. This is a reminder for me and a preview for you: tomorrow I will post things about crazy paperwork stories, being in the wrong class, language camp, food, and extra curricular activities. I actually have tomorrow off of school, so YAY and I won't be as tired. Thanks for reading!! please comment below. it makes me feel all famous!!
Can't wait for tomorrow!